
1 John 4:1-21

First, “I Love You” is meant to be PROCLAIMED.  Speak it, say it, share it, tell it, let your kids know, let your spouse know, let your neighbor know… 


Second, “I Love You” is meant to be PROVEN.  Don’t stop with words, back it up with action.  Show some compassion, share some time, listen, pray, be a shoulder someone can lean on.


Our love must be sincere, not out of reluctance or dead works, but out of deep hearted action and in truth. Godly compassion, authentic devotion, and real love are best demonstrated in the storm, not in the sunshine.


This Divine Love is meant to be the true reality of our faith in Christ…finding its expression in service to our neighbor, by clothing the naked, feeding the hungry, welcoming the stranger, and ministering to the sick, the imprisoned and the “least of these”.   


Lastly, “I Love You” is meant to be PRACTICAL.  Its not an event, Its not a program, Its not a celebration, its not an achievement. It should be a part of who you are, a sense of your character, it should flow from your life to everyone around you.