Palm Sunday is known in scripture as the great Triumphal Entry of Jesus, riding on a donkey, with crowds of people waving palm branches and shouting Hosanna in the Highest. It is the event that unleashes the last week of Jesus’ life, the Holy Week. The details and the timing, and the locations, and the people, everything around this moment had significance. Jesus was purposeful in this moment. Because up to this point, He had kept His identity incognito, under the radar, veiled from those who wanted to persecute Him. But this moment, He wanted to lay it all out, full disclosure. And that disclosure? I am God. I am the Messiah. I am He who comes in the name of the Lord. I am the Son of God. Who has come to save His people from their sins and establish His kingdom. I am the King of kings, the Lord of lords, the Savior of all mankind.
Looking at various people that Jesus interacted with prior to His arrival into Jerusalem on Palm Sunday, helps us to see how we can welcome the King into our own lives.
First, we can CRY OUT to Him. Blind Bartimaues cried out for healing, Zacheaus climbed a sycamore tree and cried out for salvation, and Mary cried out with such an expensive and heartfelt devotion by anointing Jesus’ feet.
Second, we can OBEY Him. Do what He tells you to do just like the disciples when told to go get the donkey. And as you do what He tells you to do, let go of the limitation of your understanding. If you strive to follow God, expect at some point, He will ask you to do something that doesn’t make sense. And lastly, your obedience is ultimately is measured by your willingness to participate in His agenda.
Lastly, we can welcome the King into our lives by WORSHIPPING Him. It is important to note that the disciples placed Jesus on the donkey. This points to our exaltation of Jesus. In our worship, we exalt Him and position Him as the King. Also, the waving palm branches and the loud voices points to importance of expression and shouting unto God with cries of victory!
There is coming a day when every knee will bow and every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. Worship will be unleashed in heaven by another Palm Sunday where people from every nation, tribe, people and language will be standing around the throne before the Lamb that was slain, a multitude that no one could count, wearing white robes and waving palm branches, shouting “Salvation Belongs to our God, who sits on the throne and to the Lamb.
Victory in
Christ was foretold thousands of years ago, and it will be declared for thousands of years to come…this moment was a moment to celebrate and shout unto God with a voice of victory…this moment is so charged that all creation will cry out, and if those of us created in His image keep quiet, even the stones will cry out.
How does Jesus come to you as King?
So, cry out and confess Him as Savior. Obey and confess Him as Lord. Finally, Worship and confess Him as King. Let not your heart or your eyes be hindered in welcoming and seeing Jesus the Savior of the World, the One who is the Lord of lords and King of kings.