Apparently Americans are going to the gym not only for a good work out but for a good rest. Gyms are rolling out with dedicated “recovery” rooms where you can easily and effectively reduce your stress in as little as 20 minutes. These rooms are something between a workout studio and a spa. A recent survey of 16,000 Americans reported 43% are exercising to feel better and 59% to reduce stress.
I think we are discovering an ancient rhythm that God gave His people a long time ago: THE SABBATH
One of the most forgotten commandments from the ten that God gave to us is the Sabbath…and it begins by God saying “REMEMBER”…that’s because we often forget how and when to stop, rest, delight and meditate on the gift of life that our Creator has given us.
Our everyday lives are placed within a crazy ‘fast-paced” environment. We are so driven in many different directions, that we have created an unsustainable pace, resulting in discouragement, depression and mental health breakdowns. We have become confused and derailed on priorities and overpowered by the endless pursuit of happiness that we never find, remaining discontent with relationships, with our careers, jobs, and with material things.
Clinically speaking, a lack of sleep and rest results in more motor vehicle crashes, industrial disasters and errors or mistakes in the medical field and on the job. Employers have begun to change their terminology from “sick” days to “mental health” days.
People who don’t sleep well or rest are more likely to suffer from chronic diseases such as hypertension, diabetes, obesity, increased mortality and a reduced quality of life and productivity.
The Sabbath was not just a command but a GIFT
A gift for us to keep living and flourishing in life…,
a necessary component of human existence,
to give us a solution to the “restlessness of our souls”
Saint Augustine writes in his Confessions, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our hearts are restless until they rest in You.”
In Luke 10:38-42, we see a contrasting picture of Martha in the kitchen and Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus. The telling of this story in scripture illustrates the truth that an over-worked soul needs to find a moment when its time to stop even if the work is not completed and allow the Spirit of God to gently lead you back to the places where He is speaking.
Psalm 46:9-11 is where we find the scripture “Be Still and Know that I am God”. This verse is in the context of a battle. We are in the battle and there are wars and rumors of wars all around us, threats of “armageddon” and nuclear warfare, but not just global conflict, there is relational, financial and physical conflict with no apparent resolution. Resting in God’s strength, reminding ourselves the Battle belongs to the Lord reassures us that victory is secure no matter what the headlines of our soul tell us.
#3. We are VICTIMIZED.
In 1 Kings 19:11-23 we see a mighty prophet on the run because of a wicked king and his wife threatening his life. When threatened by others or becoming the victim of someone else’s plot… abused, betrayed, rejected, torn down and ridiculed by others, when the aggression of our enemy and the strong opposition to our wholeness become real , we need to find the gentle whispers of God’s voice that begins to move us away from the harsh reality of how and what others have done to make you feel victimized. Instead of running away in fear, Rest in God’s goodness and His kindness…He has empathy for your soul.
The apostle Paul states in Philippians 4:12-13, that no matter what he has or does not have, contentment is still a reality for his soul. Today, we are all so driven by MORE. More wealth, more information, more education, more stuff, more toys, more entertainment. Rest helps us to stop and replace our hunger for more, with an attitude of gratitude.
There is a real condition called the weariness of our souls…drowning in a state of exhaustion from serving, helping, and meeting the needs of others and we grow weary in doing good.
My wife, wakes up at 5:30am every morning goes to work for 8 hours, then comes home to 4 hyper kids at 3:30 who do not feel the need to rest or sleep until 10pm at night…there is a weariness not just on her physical body, but on her soul…and every parent of young children say AMEN TO THAT!
So God tells us stop and come unto me, all you who are weary and heavy laden, I will give you rest! Take my yoke upon you.
When we rest not only is our heart softened, and our soul refreshed but our faith grows in three areas.
Rest helps us to realize that God is SOVEREIGN and that He is over everything that touches your life. (Col. 1:16-17)
Rest helps us to realize that God is PROVIDENTIAL, taking every evil, painful and difficult affliction using it for His good purpose in your life. (Rom. 8:28)
Rest helps us to realize that God is COMPASSIONATE. He stretches forth His hand and His heart, empathizing with the condition of our souls.
Build into your life a practice where you Stop, Rest, Delight and Meditate on the wonderful gift of the Sabbath that God has given you, so that you can flourish once again in who He created you to be and what He created you to do!