God’s love is perfect but even better yet, God’s love is being “perfected” in you. That means His love is growing in greater measure and in maturity, so that you may fully experience the power of this love and what it releases in your life. In the last two verses, John encourages his readers that as the love of God is perfected in you, there are a few things that are released in your life.
We are the test every spiritual movement and every doctrine of thought based on the reality that Jesus Christ, the Son of God, fully God, chose to veil His divine glory, subject Himself to human limitation and voluntarily give up and independent us of His omniscience, omnipresence and omnipotence, so that He might come in human flesh and fully identify, fully embrace and fully lay His life down so that we can live eternally. If you’re seeking a movement or a teaching that does not hinge its fulfillment on that, it is operating in a spirit of antichrist. Its essential that we allow the Love of God to have a greater effect in us than the world will have on us. This is what gives us discernment!
God’s love when fully absorbed and given proper time and space to work will clear out all the emotional baggage that comes from sin. Insecurity, pride, resentment, bitterness all begin to be thrown out and the capacity of your heart is now emptied and ready to be filled with Love for God, your self and others. God’s love casts out the fear of judgment, and rather gives us boldness, eternal security and confidence in the finished work of Christ. This love motivates us to obey His commands without burden, we begin to see the commandments of the Lord as fence posts in a pasture and not iron bars of a prison. We move from restriction to protection, from we have to, to we get to!
You were created for glory. To be a unique refraction of the Image of God, as John calls the witness in heaven. You were created for family that God might be with you and enjoy fellowship with you. But we are born into a fallen world, a moral depravity, a sinful condition that taints and pollutes this purpose, so a witness on earth had to come, Jesus from the time of His baptism to the time of His death established a witness that fixed that pollution, that bridged that gap, that took that punishment and defeated death and raised us to new life. If you have the Son, you have eternal life. Its time to stop living in the shadow of other people’s testimony and its time to live in the glory of the Cross displayed personally in your life.
John ends the book, with keep yourselves from idols. See, when we embrace and let the love of God have its perfect work in us. He places us in a “brotherhood” call the body of Christ. We have a built in prayer engine, that will help us from pursing sin that leads to death. There is also an internal mechanism that keeps yourself from sin, a believer won’t presumptuously put God to the test by allowing themselves deliberate exposure to temptation but rather they will run and flee from it. And the devil cannot touch you. God’s Love perfected in your life gives you immunity from the devil! God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son. John 3:16. But God demonstrates His own love for us that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us. Romans 5:8. Love has been perfected among us in this: that we may have boldness in the day of judgment…There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear. 1 John 4:17-18.