Many know Daniel because of the lion’s den, but Daniel’s prayer life went beyond just an encounter with lions, his entire 70 years of captivity under the oppressive nation of Babylon was marked by fervent prayer.
In James 5:16, the Bible tells us that the fervent prayer of a righteous man availeth much, and this prayer in Daniel 9, prayed by a man of such integrity and favor, was so effective that it released angel armies to fight in the heavenlies and released a prophetic revelation that would become the backbone of all biblical prophecy.
What can we learn from Daniel’s prayer?
#1. His prayer was MOTIVATED by the Word of God. (v.1-2)
Daniel’s devotional life was set in the prophetic book of Jeremiah. He was probably reading Jeremiah 25:8-12 which references the “seventy years” that Daniel prays. Daniel was triggered by the Word of God, what is triggering your prayers. Is it the conversation at work, the headlines of the news, the circumstances, concerns, cares and worries of this world? Daniel prayed the word of God!
#2. His prayer was FERVENT (v.3)
Daniel says he “set his face.” Prayer must have focus, intensity, and steadfastness whatever the conditions. It must have unwavering determination in the face of insurmountable odds stacked up against you. Fervent prayers are courageous with faith, tenacious, and absolute confidence in the One who you’re praying to.
#3. His prayer MAGNIFIES the greatness of God (v.4)
When Daniel speaks of this greatness of God, its an all encompassing greatness that can be translated as large in number, loud with intensity, older in wisdom and importance. In other words, God is greater than all your problems put together. He is greater than your circumstances that are beyond your control, He is greater than the demons that torture your mind and He is greater than your own wisdom and knowledge.
Let me share this, the design of a church steeple was to illustrate how great God is. The closer you are to the steeple, the bigger it is, the farther away you walk, the smaller it gets. And so it is with God, the closer you come to Him, the greater He becomes in your eyes, draw near to God, so that Christ is magnified in your heart and mind!
#4. His prayer was MOVED with CONFESSION (v.5-13)
It is so obvious that Daniel is burdened and broken over Israel’s failure to worship God. He is fully aware of their long continued sin, rebellion and defiant attitude towards God. Restoration was needed and divine intervention was missing, so that means it was time to pray. The land of Zion was ruined, the sanctuary was empty, the altars were vacant, the solemn feasts had ended, the temple was destroyed and the worship, offering and sacrifices all had stopped. Daniel refused to let this be the end, and with supplication, sackcloth and ashes, he stood in the gap, praying, interceding for his nation. Oh God, let this be the hour where intercessors like Daniel rise up and stand in the gap for every nation, tribe and tongue!
#5. His prayer was MEASURED by the WILL OF GOD. (v. 14-16)
The key issue surrounding the will of God is alignment. If our lives are out of sync with God’s will, life will become very difficult and hard. Daniel knew that God’s will was not utter ruin and destruction without hope, mercy and grace. So he prayed a prayer that recognized God’s sovereignty but also the value of His love and mercy towards His people. Daniel knew God’s heart was patient not wanting anyone to perish, so he prayed to tap into that heart of God.
Daniel’s prayer unlocked an epic angelic battle that all points to the final victory of Jesus Christ. Sin’s power will be broken and its penalty paid. Our righteousness will become secure and the vision of God will be sealed. A fresh anointing will be released in the earth, one that will heal, mend, restore and save. All of this unlocked with the prayer of a righteous man.
How about you? Prayer is never secondary, its always primary. No prayer, no power. God’s greatest works are accomplished through prayer, for no eye has seen and no ear has heard what God has prepared for us. So ask and pray, and stand in the gap for your family, friends, church and nation!