How many believe the Bible, that Jesus is coming again? And how does believing affect the way I live?
Malachi 3:2 gives us two Questions:
Who may abide the day of His coming?
Who shall stand when He appears?
In other words,
* Who will be prepared for the inspection day?
* Who will be ready for the close inquiry?
* Who will be able to appear without reservation?
* Who will be unashamed to stand before Jesus?
* Who will have lived on earth in anticipation?
* It won’t be the careless! * It won’t be the worldly * It won’t be the self-righteous! * It won’t be the hypocrite, compromiser or selfish!
Many proven prophetic voices are declaring a great move of God that is breaking forth across our land. This is a move that will be marked by the fire of God sweeping across the earth, burning up the things of the enemy and of the flesh to reveal the presence and power of the Lord and His kingdom in notable and remarkable ways. It won't just be a burning bush here or there but entire cities, nations and regions set ablaze with the reality of God so that everyone everywhere has a chance to tangibly encounter Him and know His love, His goodness and the reality of His salvation. The earth will be covered in the bright and brilliant burning reality of the knowledge of the glory of the Lord.
This move will break out in so many places and in so many ways, it will seem sovereign—as if it came out of nowhere. I believe that even now the Lord is speaking to many about this coming move so that we can partner with Him
1. to birth it
2. to call it forth
3. to declare it
4. to pray it into existence.
So, let's pray for the body of Christ, that: we will know the heart of the Lord like never before—the height, the width, the depth and the breadth of His love for all people and all places at all times. So we will be a people who are un-offendable. That no matter how we are treated, we will refuse offense and continue to love. We will make love our highest aim and love others as we are loved by the Lord. We will call down the fire of God upon the altars of our lives, asking the Lord to burn up every wicked, arrogant or selfish thing in us.
We will be His burning ones, ablaze with His love and calling the fire of God down upon anything of the enemy that would steal the fullness of who God is and what He has for anyone we encounter and every place we go.
Are you ready for the Fire of the Lord? Are you ready to great exploits?
In reflection upon the scripture from my brother Emmanuel’s sermon this past week in Daniel 11:32, “They that know their God, will do great exploits”.
Do you know the Holy and Perfect God, and are you making it a point to pray that you might reflect His perfection and His holiness in every area of your life?
Let’s get real, let’s take our devotion, our commitment, our religion to whole new level in Jesus!