In Acts 2, we see the very first outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the disciples and followers of Jesus Christ. This moment was ordained by God and with obedience, expectation and unity, these folks were used to give birth to the greatest movement in all of human history, the church. I would like to share a few thoughts about his pinnacle moment in our faith’s history.
First, Pentecost was PLANNED. It was part of the “holy convocations” that God set in place with His people when He first delivered them Egypt. The feast of Passover was a celebration that reminded the people of Israel how God rescued them out of slavery and into their promised land. Exactly 50 days after Passover, they are to celebrate another feast called the Feast of Weeks or what we call Pentecost. God did not just randomly choose this day, he was speaking something from the shadows of history, trying to establish the future of His purposes moving forward. In the event at Mt. Sinai, 3000 people died for breaking the covenant, but here in Acts 2, 3000 people were saved, at Sinai the people were kept away from the fire, but in Acts, the fire came to the people. Sinai was a moment of national apostasy but Pentecost in Jerusalem was a united outpouring of blessing upon those gathered.
Second, Pentecost was PRAYERFUL. How was this prayer meeting Prayer FULL? It was full of expectation. Joel 2:28 used in Peter’s sermon, states…”. (a) “And it shall come to pass afterwardThat I will pour out My Spirit on all flesh;Your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, Your old men shall dream dreams, Your young men shall see visions”. There was an expectation that God was going to move and pour out His Spirit. It was full of sincere and intense conviction. These 120 followers of Jesus gathered in this upper room with conviction that what Jesus had told them would come to pass and that they were humbled and honored to be available and called.
Pentecost was POWERFUL. First came the wind. The Holy Spirit is free and sovereign and not bound to anyone's TIMING or TECHNIQUE for how to get his power. When he comes, he comes suddenly just like the wind. Jesus spoke to Nicodemus about the Spirit being like the wind, and that the wind comes and goes as it pleases. When the Spirit comes he comes for HARVESTING. Ezekiel prophesied to the wind and the dead bodies in the valley came to life. (Ezekiel 37:9-14). Next came the tongues of FIRE. At times the Holy Spirit will make himself known with visible, audible, touchable manifestations. The fire was strong EVIDENCE that this was God’s presence Then it was the “divided tongues”. The term is called “glossalia” which is used for “tongues”. People that day spoke actual languages that could be interpreted by those who were observing the experience.
Lastly, Pentecost was PURPOSEFUL. These folks would become living witnesses and warriors in what I consider the greatest movement of human history. They would face persecution, imprisonment, martyrdom and extreme opposition, but nothing would slow down their purpose. They had supernatural guidance, love, holiness, fervor, activity with perseverance and tenacity no matter what they faced. They were apostles on mission.
So, are you ready for Pentecost in your life? God has a plan and a purpose for you. Are you filled with something other than the Holy Spirit today? Empty yourself of this world and that which feeds your selfishness, and let Him fill you again with His power and presence. He wants to make you POWERFUL and PURPOSEFUL in your life. That means He wants to establish the more that you’re seeking the power to break those chains that bind you. Ask for the Holy Spirit right now, He is a gift to the church, and He will never leave you or forsake you.